The JRT agency is a small advertising agency located in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Their specialties include B2B marketing, enthusiast marketing, and emerging technologies marketing. I was selected to design the company website of my employer.
Job Status: Work in progress. Completed pages: home, capabilities, work, projects, and news. Roles: UX, UI, Photography
Website Purpose
To communicate who the JRT agency is, what they do, and what makes them different, elevate the existing brand, enable them to stand apart from the competition, attract and retain talent.
Performed competitive benchmarking of direct competitors
Researched more than 30 world-leading agencies members of SoDa. Focused on current trends such as animations, content presentation, look and feel
Interviewed stakeholders to understand the problem (see below)
User Stories
Kelly, Senior Director Of Marketing
I am a Kelly, Senior Director of Marketing of an automotive supplier. I need to find another agency to take care of our online presence. When I am researching marketing/advertising agencies I want to make sure they are credible and that they have done work for big B2B organizations. I usually check their services page, about us page, news page and portfolio pages.
Brian, Junior Developer
I am Brian, a junior developer. I am looking for a job opportunity that will help me gain experience. When finding a job posting I usually go to the about us page, services page, work page and careers page to apply.
Main User Flows
The Problem
Outdated website look and feel
Analysis showed that the website was ineffective as a sales tool
The website did not convey a dynamic company culture that would attract new talent
The Solution
Designed a modern, minimal website that elevates the brand
The home page delivers the strategic message of a top-shelf agency. It conveys that image via a mix of powerful imagery, white space, sleek animations, and visual rhythm. This is complemented by clean smart navigation and well-thought-out structural hierarchy
Created mobile-friendly navigation with tabs to key pages — work, capabilities, and contact — that have key significance for the agency
Showcased the agency’s work and connected each project to their key specialties
Created custom templates with a flexible layout for the work (main portfolio) page and the individual portfolio pages
Created a services page that explains offered services and connects them with example portfolio projects
Incorporated social media content in the website to promote the company’s culture (we are a cool company and it is fun working for us)
Expanded the company news and articles section of the site to improve SEO
The JRT Agency Wireframes
The JRT Website UI Design System
Work Landing Page
The Process
A modern website that is currently used as a sales tool and establishes credibility
The CEO was pleased with the outcome of the website. He said that it looked beautiful, that we had done functional websites before, but this was particularly attractive and he really liked the big, bold imagery that draws you in.